Monday, April 11, 2011


How much of the money I donated or sponsored goes to Project GIVE's administration?

None. 100% of all monies donated or sponsored goes directly to the project that you have supported. The costs of all other administrative or logistics efforts are supported in other ways, unless stated.

Are my donations tax exempted and will I receive a receipt for tax exemptions?

At the moment, Project GIVE is not a tax exempted charity organisation. But Project GIVE hopes that one day it can be. However, if you would like to get tax exemption, maybe there are many other charity organisations that provide such benefits which you can support.

There are many charity organisations that provides tax exemptions and does the same work, why should I support Project GIVE?

Yes, there are many charity organisations that provides tax exemptions for the same work that Project GIVE is doing. But Project GIVE does not focus on providing tax exemption as a motivation to encourage people to donate or lend a helping hand. It focuses more on providing an avenue for those who just want to lend a helping hand in the cause of education without getting any monetary returns except the pure satisfaction in the act of giving and knowing that an underprivileges child is benefitting the act of kindness of a stranger. Moreover, Project GIVE is also in view that the more charity organisations, whether with or without tax exemptions, initiating similar works, the better it is for all underprivileged children in this world.

So the choice to support Project GIVE is really up to individual's personal decision. And any support that comes its way is great appreciated.

Will Project GIVE focus on other schools or underprivileged children in its future projects?

Yes, hopefully one day Project GIVE will have such an opportunity with possible strategic partnerships with other interested parties. As most administrative and logistic costs are self-funded, unfortunately, expansion of projects to other schools or underprivileged children will be a challenge at the moment.


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